A women outside in an athleisure jacket with a white Podium bottle in her hands.

New Year’s Resolutions Ideas for a Healthy and Happy 2022

18 Best New Year’s Resolution Ideas

Happy New Year! 2022 is here and if you haven’t already, now is a perfect time to start thinking about some New Year’s resolution ideas. A new year signifies change, new beginnings, and a chance to reflect - what went well for you, and what do you want to work on or achieve in the coming year? 

Popular New Year’s resolutions include exercising more, eating healthy, saving or making more money, reading more, reducing stress, and other goals related to wellness and personal growth. And after the wild ride that was 2021, you might be extra motivated to make the most of 2022. 

 In case you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve compiled a list of New Year’s resolution ideas for a healthy and fulfilling year. 

Setting Yourself Up for Success with New Year’s Resolutions

At its core, making New Year’s resolutions is a goal-setting exercise. Setting goals comes naturally for some (we all know that person who sets a one-word intention for every.single.year.) and for others, not so much. But experts say pinpointing your goals for the new year has benefits, such as: 

  • Motivation 
  • Triggering positive behavior
  • Providing clarity and direction 
  • Promoting self-improvement and productivity
  • Creating hope 
  • Building confidence

As you can imagine, not everyone succeeds in keeping their resolutions - every year, gyms are packed in January and start to empty out by mid-February. To set yourself up for success, your goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).  

And remember, making New Year’s resolutions doesn’t have to be a cliché. If some of the more typical ideas like losing weight or “dry January” don’t resonate with you, that’s totally ok. You’ll be more likely to stick with goals that are aligned with your personal values, hopes, and dreams - not anyone else’s. 

18 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas You Might Actually Want to Keep for 2022 

It should come as no surprise that our list includes some New Year’s fitness resolutions - but there’s much more to health than just physical fitness. So, here are our top ideas for New Year’s resolutions that will benefit all areas of your life, including physical and mental health, personal life, and career.

  • Commit to movement every day - Forget the old “lose 10 pounds” resolution. Move because it feels good! Hike, run, swim, or dance party in your PJs - 30 minutes of movement a day is good for your heart and your soul.
  • Take more time off - Most Americans don’t use all of their vacation time, even without a global pandemic to complicate things. In 2022, vow to take time off for a vacation or stay-cation. 
  • Drink more water - Chances are, you’re not drinking enough. Our CamelBak hydration calculator helps you determine your ideal level of hydration for maximum performance, and provides a guideline for setting your water intake goals.  
  • Unplug at least one day per weekend - Leave the smartphone behind and get outside in nature, read a book or paint. 
  • Create a budget and stick to it - If your New Year’s resolutions involve money in any way, then you need a budget. Sticking to a budget is one of the best ways to save more and focus on long-term financial goals. 
  • Plan a camping trip - If you hope to camp in 2022, be sure you reserve your spot early. CamelBak’s got you covered for next-level campsite coffee and cocktails.  
  • Meal plan your work lunches - Whether you’re back in the office or working from home, meal planning can help you eat healthier and save money. 
  • Develop a morning routine - Simple acts like drinking a glass of water before your morning coffee, 10-minutes of yoga or stretching, listening to music, or 5 minutes of journaling can set a positive tone for your day. Check out CamelBak insulated stainless steel tumblers and travel mugs for your daily hydration. Or your coffee, we won’t judge.
  • Boost your retirement fund - How’s your nest egg looking? Even if it’s only five percent of your monthly income, putting your retirement savings on autopilot will pay off bigtime in the long run. 
  • Practice patience - We mean literally, practice. One study showed that waiting for an experience actually contributes to pleasure and happiness in the long run. Taking a few breaths before responding is another way to build up your patience muscle.
  • Experiment with affirmations - Positive affirmations are more than just a trend - they can alter your perspective for the better. Find one that rings true and write it down, tape it to your mirror, or repeat to yourself in times of stress.
  • Start a gratitude journal - Focus on the good by writing down 5 to 10 things each day that you’re grateful for each day or week. It could be as simple as your morning coffee. 
  • Designate a self-care day - It doesn’t have to be the whole day, but choose one day a week to take time for self-care activities. Equally important is monitoring your well-being with a self-care assessment.  
  • Take the stairs - Taking the stairs is one of the easiest ways to sneak more movement into your daily routine. Not to mention, it’s good for your booty, your calves and your heart. 
  • Learn a new professional skill - In the wake of the Great Resignation, we predict online learning, upskilling, and reskilling will be major trends in 2022. Enhance your career skills via mentorship, conferences or online training programs.
  • Give back to the community - Whether you’re committing a few hours each month to a volunteer organization, or just helping out a neighbor, giving back is good for your physical and mental well-being.  
  • Ditch single-use plastic - Do your part to address the climate crisis by reducing your consumption of single-use plastics. Switching to reusable water bottles and cloth grocery bags are some of the easiest ways to start.
  • No more emails after 5pm (or on weekends) - Now that the world has gone remote, many of us feel pressured to be “always on”. Maintain your work-life balance by committing to clear boundaries between work and leisure. 

 Happy New Year from all of us at CamelBak. Hopefully, at least one of these can work for you in 2022. Share your New Year’s resolutions with us on Instagram or Facebook

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